Glitter And Trauma
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:41 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Infinity Land
Song Author
Simon Neil
File Size
76 KB
dia-monds glit-ter and trau-ma and tears
with an un-friend-ly at-mo-sphere will make our night
it'll make to-night
your po-ten-tial is un-der used
your skin will break in-to jig-saw shaped pie-ces of me
you fall apart
you can save them all
i be-lieve that you can
ev-en though
you ne-ver list-en
you ne-ver lis-ten
but you are the hum-an strobe
you are the hum-an strobe
we are like light-ning surr-oun-ded
you are the hu-man strobe
slaugh-tered mo-ments and use-less tales
en-cour-age oth-ers to take the blame
i love you when
you're not a-round
you can save them all
i be-lieve that you can
ev-en though
you ne-ver list-en
you ne-ver lis-ten
lets take aim
you're look-ing the o-ther way
the right tar-get
she's look-ing the oth-er way
there's no wreck-age
i'll help you to do it right
to-night we'll make it ours
you are the hum-an strobe
you are the hum-an strobe
we are like light-ning surr-oun-ded
you are the hu-man strobe
lets take aim
i'll help you to do it right
to-night we'll make it ours
you are the hum-an strobe
you are the hum-an strobe
we are like light-ning surr-oun-ded
you are the hu-man strobe
tears gli-tter
tears gli-tter
tears gli-tter
tears gli-tter